Naomi Rodriguez
Naomi "nomi" Rodriguez is 22 years old, miami-hialeah born and bilingual artist.
an Afro-Indigenous Caribbean with practices rooted in Afro-Indigenous communities from her culture and her experiences in the United interdisciplinary visual and performance design technology artist. currently pursuing a BFA in Interarts Performance with a minor in Latina/o Studies at the University of Michigan.she uses narrative design and surrealist storytelling through performance design and technology and color (with a connection and love for fiber arts). she focuses on portraying identity and engaging audiences through experimental and immersive experiences.
explore my wor(k)ld!
road less taken. (2022)
silence in violence. (2022)
gender neutral fashion (2022).
what collectivity does the daughter of a darkskinned mother listen to (2023)
chains and links. (2023)
Jose Celso Barbosa (2023).
black sheep ceremony (2024).
The Shadows of My Ancestors. (2024)
El Matador. (2024)
growing pains 2022
Music, lyrics, and book by Dana Pierangeli
Directed by Kendall Young
Projection DesignNominated for Excellence in Technical Achievement by Lime Arts Productions
Disrupted: A Senior Thesis 2022
Directed by Nicole Denise White
Lighting Design, Creative Collaborator
Next To Normal 2022
Directed by Alex Lee
Assistant Costume and Projection Designer
MUSKET's Little Shop of Horrors 2022
Directed by Sam Aupperlee
Makeup/Hair Designer
photos by ellie vice
If The World Ends Tomorrow, It's All Your Fault 2023
Directed and Written by Marta Frank, Maddie Vassalo
Lighting Designer, Tech Coord.
photos by ellie vice
The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin 2023
Directed by Aidan B. Jones
Makeup & Wig Designerphotos by cole carrico
for colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf 2024
Directed by Sarah Oguntomilade
Costume Designer
photos by ellie vice
Look What's Here 2023
Professor Scott Crandall
Set Designer, Costume Designer, Lighting Designer, Technical Coord.
Directed by Naomi Rodriguez, Preston Williams
Production by Naomi Rodriguez, Maddie Vassalo, Dana Gray, Lauren Kopp
JULIUS CAESAR by University Productions
Directed and Adapted by Priscilla Lindsay
Associate Dramaturg